What are the differences between the MPFParis tool and the other questionnaires?
The MPFParis tool measures behavior based on the research and
development work conducted by Jean Timar and Reine Néguin on the
Biology of Behaviors and its applications.
This makes it possible to induce people's future behaviors and is not
based on deductions, typology or psychology.
What is concretely studied?
The human brain picks up any situation, any circumstance, any information in the form of signals and responds by triggering a process of reflexion/decision/action which its own.
This process solicits the 6 cortical layers and 12 pairs of cranial nerves which are at the origin of task-based impulses forming 12 operational circuits.
The organization specific to each of its 12 operating circuits will induce preferential behavior in a future situation.
An operational circuit is composed of 3 of these task-based impulses.
This mapping, above, represents all operational circuits known to date with their first basic impulse for each circuit.
The answers to the stimuli of the questionnaire make it possible to classify the operating circuits in order of preferential use.
The MPFParis tool makes it possible to
identify its preferential behaviors, in order
to mobilize its behavioral forces of
know-how to amplify the valorization of
its know-how: this is what defines
Behavioral Intelligence®.
The 1014 possible combinations of
classification of operating circuits show
that they can evolve and that each
person has his own behavioral
These possible short- and medium-term
developments are directly visible and their
implementation can be facilitated by an
appropriate choice of environment.
For the company's values, how do you manage to integrate them and how arethey treated?
The company defines its
values and specifies their
content in terms of
appropriate behaviors.
In a 1st step it uses the
MPFParis grid of behavioral
criteria, all in correspondence
with the operating circuits.
How often (if necessary) should the questionnaire be repeated?
It is mainly the environment that favors the evolution of measurements of operating circuits.